Find My Past has recently set up sites for Ireland and Australia with information specific to those countries. Fantastic I hear you say, and yes I agree, but there is a BUT ! If you are an annual subscriber to FMP you would think that for an extra charge you would be given entry to those two sites – NO.
Unlike Ancestry, who for an extra charge or upgrade the world becomes your oyster and you can visit any section i.e. (Canada) ; (USA); ( Australia) and even (France) to name a few.
Ancestry FMP England FMP Ireland FMP Australia
So, after all which do I prefer ? Well, to tell the truth I love Ancestry as I find the search easier especially for the census as I know where my rellies were born but not where they were living. FMP likes you to put where your family were living…. come on how are you supposed to know where they went after they were born. I have one family who moved after the birth of every child, and they didn’t just move around the corner they moved big time!
A birth certificate tells you where they were born but does not give you a crystal ball and tell you where they will be months or years later – I wish one came as standard !
Find My Past does or did have records that were stand alone to them and were very useful when I was transcribing naval records for war memorials.
So, if anyone at Brightsolid is reading this, just think about those of us whose families venture overseas or in the case of Australia came from overseas. Twoor three memberships may not be an option but an upgrade could well be a possibility in these days where we have limited income to spend on things that we love!!