If you don’t want the hassle of running and maintaining your own blog, but you like the idea of informing like minded people. You may be one of the people I am looking for.
Have you an interesting story to tell about a a member of your family. Tell about the trials and tribulations of family historians or a local history snippet on people or places; someone involved in WWI, WWII or other conflicts, a man or woman who stayed at home to do ‘war work’ or even a someone who objected to war.
You could tell how to research in a specific place i.e. the National Archives. It could be an historical event that you would like to tell about – something that happened in your locale.
Do you have first hand experience of research in America, Canada, Australia or Europe and can give advice on where to look, with a few hints and tips that someone with local knowledge has learnt over the years.
Have you any tips on how to store your family history. Do you have any suggestions for storing photographs or other research materials.
Or have you been on a visit to another country to do some family history ‘stuff’, to a war cemetery, a battlefield or some other interesting place – let me know.
The blog can be short, long or something in between but it must be your own work.
Contact me at – guestblogger@wakefieldfhs.org.uk
Looking forward to hearing from you.